Yes I did. I got the job! I'm super happy to be working now. I will be earnin' my money and earning experience working with children.. eep!
It's going to be an adventure but I definitely need to grow up.
So on the topic of cosplay since this IS suppose to be my "nerdism" blog... I have been really leaning toward cosplay OOT Sheik again. I mean I never let the dream go. I just really think I am ready to make it. I have avoided spandex for a few reasons but I might...just might..cheat and work off an already made zentai suit. I don't know. It depends. I won't work with shiney. At least I'm hoping I can avoid it. :[ Any thoughts on this?
I really love Sheik. Obviously. So I want everything accurate. I will look for the perfect wig and I will get my eyes checked eventually for good contacts so that I can have the red eyes.
I even want to start stretching and perfecting cartwheels so I can do some awesome photo posin'.
I LOVE SHEIK. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. It must be perfect. Or close to that. ;__; She is just an awesome character. Yes, I refer to Sheik as a female. :P
On another note, I started playing Spirit tracks again. It's pretty fun and cute. Kind of annoying dealing with that..tower thing but uh aside from sneaking around bad guys, it's fun. :] I haven't been playing Harvest Moon as much but I'm in Winter of the first year and Julius has NOT asked me out. =__= How will I ever get married at this rate? I've given him soooo many presents and he only has 3 hears meaning we're just friends. This game made becoming more than friends way harder than it really is. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree...seeing as he loves perfume, roses and pumpkins but I dunno. I might have a chance! AHEM.
But ah..yeah. I posted a new video on my youtube today. You can check it out if you'd like. I think I will go now though. My tummy hurts. ;___;
It's going to be an adventure but I definitely need to grow up.
So on the topic of cosplay since this IS suppose to be my "nerdism" blog... I have been really leaning toward cosplay OOT Sheik again. I mean I never let the dream go. I just really think I am ready to make it. I have avoided spandex for a few reasons but I might...just might..cheat and work off an already made zentai suit. I don't know. It depends. I won't work with shiney. At least I'm hoping I can avoid it. :[ Any thoughts on this?
I really love Sheik. Obviously. So I want everything accurate. I will look for the perfect wig and I will get my eyes checked eventually for good contacts so that I can have the red eyes.
I even want to start stretching and perfecting cartwheels so I can do some awesome photo posin'.
I LOVE SHEIK. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. It must be perfect. Or close to that. ;__; She is just an awesome character. Yes, I refer to Sheik as a female. :P
On another note, I started playing Spirit tracks again. It's pretty fun and cute. Kind of annoying dealing with that..tower thing but uh aside from sneaking around bad guys, it's fun. :] I haven't been playing Harvest Moon as much but I'm in Winter of the first year and Julius has NOT asked me out. =__= How will I ever get married at this rate? I've given him soooo many presents and he only has 3 hears meaning we're just friends. This game made becoming more than friends way harder than it really is. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree...seeing as he loves perfume, roses and pumpkins but I dunno. I might have a chance! AHEM.
But ah..yeah. I posted a new video on my youtube today. You can check it out if you'd like. I think I will go now though. My tummy hurts. ;___;