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Today Cosplay

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

MYNT, Singapore’s first Anime girl group?

Okay, I have something not exactly cosplay related but still interesting nonetheless to share.  Introducing Singapore’s first Anime Girl group; MYNT (Miyake, Yoshimi and Tomomi).


Okay, maybe they’re not supposed to be anime group. But in my opinion they are pretty close =P Especially with their cosplaying and “Meido” background. Plus the fact that they are produced by Sozo who well, does events like AFA.

The group is made up of a trio of cute and young japanese looking babes (but totally made in Singapore hokays!)  From my understanding, all 3 of them were part of the Moe Moe Kyun maids during AFA2009.


I’ve heard about them talking about the group in their previous blog posts and etc but nothing beats having an official website to announce the official news(pun intended).

With such cute looking faces and overwhelming moe-ness oozing out of them, things sure look bright and sunny for them. The only thing they have to do now, is wow us away with their talents.

When a friend first pimped their website to me, he/she appeared very unimpressed. To which I asked, “ You don’t like them?”. And his/her answer was fabulously simple but totally relatable. He/She said “I don’t have any reasons to”


Haha, obviously words spoken with an intelligent mind and eloquence. I’m so not going to debate with a mind like that. Plus I’m sure this friend of mine is not alone in his/her opinion. Seems like MYNT will have a tough job of proving themselves. 

Ah, don’t take me wrong, I’m not against them. In fact, I’m somewhat rooting for them because I see the group as an amazing by-product of the prospering Cosplay and Anime community. Their existence is a concrete prove of the consumer power and liveliness of the local community. Well, I guess they also have their management company to thank too.

So yeah, I look forward to their PV and look forward to being wowed(hopefully?). Because ultimately, its still talent and entertainment that will win the hearts and loyalty of people.

Anyway, I found some performance video of them during AFA. Check them out and have a preview of these girl’s abilities!


Visit MYNT’s homepage here. And read Ani-Culture’s article of them here!