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♥ Kizuna 宵月
Yup, she's the owner of Fantasy Sheep, one of the famous wig shop in taobao.
Couldn't deny that FS wig quality is great and both the style is nice too!
Has always been the top choice for cosplayers.
Of course, she herself is also a cosplayer.
I'm really in love with her Nura cosplay, both character and location is great plus epic hair !!
✩✩ INTERVIEW SECTION ✩✩Ryea: What is COSPLAY to you?K: It's my hobby and also my job.是爱好,也是工作。Ryea: When do you first started to cosplay?K: 20022002年
Ryea: How many characters have you cosplayed so far ?K: actually there's more but couldn't remember more.结城夏野(尸鬼)
Yuli(pop n'music8)
伊良部一郎(中) (空中秋千)
Gian Caliro(LuckyDog1)
Ryea: Which is your favorite character that you've cosplayed?K: Kaito (Vocaloid)Ryea: Which is your first character?K: Female Rogue (RO online)女流氓(RO online)
Ryea: Which characters is in your future cosplay list?K:玉章 (滑头鬼之孙)
直井文人/小由理(Angel Beats)
Ryea: Do you make your own costume & props ?K: Some but can't remember already.有一些,不记得了=A=
Ryea: Which character costume/ props you like the most?K: I really like Vocaloid family'sVocaloid家族的都很喜欢^^
Ryea: What is your favorite part when cosplay?K: Editing photos part after photos are taken, feels like everything is worth it after tiring for so long and now it's time to see the results.拿到照片开始做后期的部分,感觉辛苦总算结束了现在来看成果=w=Ryea: Any memorable experience when you cosplay?K: Couldn't remember much.不太记得了(咦)Ryea: Do you have photoshoot experience? What's the difference between going for events and photoshoots?K: Yup, for photo shoot we're able to invite more friends and photographers for help, plus we can choose our own location for photo shoots. As for events are some how activities and location are very limited, time is also one of the problem.有的,外拍可以多请一些朋友和摄影师给自己帮忙,还可以专门找独特的背景拍,event则比较限制活动和场地,时间也是个大问题。Ryea: Which is your favorite location for photoshoot?K: My house backyard, because it's an antique type garden, it's very convenient.自家小区,因为是旧式花园小区,景色很多拍照也很方便XD
Ryea: Do you salute/idolize any cosplayer? K: 龙一、Raye、sadako、tokiwo
Ryea: Any tips to share ?K: From the minute you decided to cosplay the character till the photo result is out,must do much research on the character, if there's anything that doesn't understand always seek for help from the experienced, and also must relax and enjoy the fun of cosplay.从开始决定cos一个角色到最后出照片,都要认真参考原作,有不懂的多向前辈学习,然后就是放平心态享受cos的乐趣。and
3 super-random questions :
1) Which fashion genre do you follow?K: Go with flow.随意有质感
2) Do you like insects?K: I like butterflies but I seriously hate caterpillars.喜欢蝴蝶,讨厌毛虫一类/ A \3) What is your favorite flavour?K: Cherry and Strawberry樱花、草莓Ryea: And lastly, what do you think about Let's Cosplay~?K: Awesome!!很棒Thanks so much, Kizuna!~